Monday, November 25, 2019

Sarah Sanders Never Met A Lie She Didn't Tell

Former White (Supremacist) House spokesliar Sarah "Huckster" Sanders became a notorious punchline for her eagerness to lie for Very Stable Genius and pathological liar Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump. It got to the point where Sanders stopped giving press briefings altogether after the press corps kept exposing her lies in real time.

She may have stopped giving press briefings, but she hasn't stopped lying. She was interviewed on Trump TV yesterday, and was asked about the allegations in the new book "A Warning" penned by an anonymous White (Supremacist) House official that Trump had to have briefings and papers dumbed down to a couple of bullets with pictures so that he could absorb the basics. Sanders, who is rumored to be considering running for office in Arkansas, replied:
"I've watched this process play out so many times, sat in hundreds of meetings with the president, and the idea that he can only take in one or two bullets is absurd. I've watched him consume massive amount of information, process it quickly and make decisions[snip] 
He reads more than anybody I know. Every single foreign trip we actually would laugh about the fact he has boxes upon boxes, file boxes where he reads for hours. The rest of us want to take a break, we wanna sleep, the president works the entire time."  (our emphasis)
Riiiight. Of course, Sanders may not know a lot of people who read. Despite first-hand accounts from Trump's current and former staff, reporting by Bob Woodward in his book "Fear," and Trump's manifest ignorance when asked about policies / events / etc., Sanders is comfortable lying about her emperor's new clothes. What is this pathetic character going to be saying next about Trump, that her Dear Leader once made 18 straight holes-in-one?

(Photo:  Needs more smokey eye?)

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Huckleberry Sanders is not just a liar, she's a bald-faced, audacious liar. The idea of her running for governor is ridiculous, so I expect ridiculous people would vote for her, simply to spite everyone else. It would be one of my fondest wishes to see her laughed off of every stage she stands on.

    She's despicable.
