Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trump Operative Stone's Trial Begins

Slimy dirty trickster and weird, wife-swapping perv Roger Stone's trial on multiple felony charges began today with jury selection in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. Stone, a Trump operative, is charged with one count of obstructing a proceeding, five counts of making false statements to Congress, and one count of witness tampering in connection with Russia's interference in the 2016 elections on the side of their asset, Donald "Tovarich" Trump.

Stone's primary role in the Russia interference scandal was his connection to Kremlin cut-out WikiLeaks, which received hacked e-mails from the Democratic National Committee server. Although there was insufficient evidence to charge Stone with conspiracy, he lied about numerous events and communications in regard to contacts with WikiLeaks founder and Russian stooge Julian Assange. According to the linked article:
"Charging documents in Stone's case describe a message from one of Stone's contacts depicting the person in a photo taken outside the Ecuadorian Embassy — implying that he'd visited Assange — and other messages in which Stone and associates discuss the prospect of more "dumps" from WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks released a trove of emails by Clinton's campaign chairman in October 2016 on the same day that a video recording appeared of Trump boasting in crude terms about his power over women."
Stone's comment that "it's better to be infamous than never to be famous at all" illustrates his utter lack of character and abundance of depravity. Let's hope that he's convicted on all counts, and spends the rest of his ugly life in prison where he can contemplate whether infamous is really better.

BONUSEmptywheel has a comprehensive look at the evidence the government has to prove Stone lied to Congress.

(photo: Where's Batman when we need him?)

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