Friday, November 22, 2019

Trump's Moment of Truth: Corruption Always!

During a lengthy, unhinged rant this morning on his favorite morning show, Fux and Friends, mentally unstable demagogue and briber Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump let slip to his couch potato friends that, indeed, he always wants corruption. Watch the clip.

And for him, the more the better.


  1. Trump is a rat trapped in the corner. He's ranting and raving because he's freaking out. I don't know how much he actually hears or how much of it is filtered, but I wish he knew how many people absolutely hate his guts and wish him gone.

    He's got coverage from all his minions. The Republicans and his base will never let him down. I'm prepared for Impeachment to get voted down in the Senate, which will take the pressure off him (in his mind, anyway) but I am counting on my fellow Americans to ramp up the vote fever and show him next November how hated he truly is. And then we'll have to make sure Putin doesn't have his thumb on the scale.

    Prepare for battle!

  2. donnah -- When his Senate cultists fail to remove him, Trump may do some victory laps. However, the anger that will be aroused against him is more likely than not to create another "blue wave" in 2020 to sweep him and his enablers out. We were angry that he was elected, but we'll be more angry that he wasn't removed. VOTE!
