Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- It Must Suck To Be An Abject Toady

Louisiana Republican Sen. John "I Knew John Kennedy, And You're No John Kennedy" Kennedy, who plays a cornpone, epigram- spouting good ol' boy country lawyer for his credulous base (he was Phi Beta Kappa at Vanderbilt and got a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law), has become one of crime family boss Donald "The Dumb Don" Trump's most visible -- and risible -- supporters on the Hill.  Naturally, he showed up at yesterday's Nuremberg rally in Monroe, LA, and had something to say about Speaker Pelosi, with The Dumb Don looking on:


  1. Yeah, I've seen Kennedy's “aw, shucks, corn pone, down home feller” schtick and it's awful. He is so corny that he goes from folksy to gag-worthy in a split second. Kennedy is meaner than a striped snake and as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

    Howja like them apples, Senator?

  2. donnah -- he's as phony as a three dollar bill, and if his voters weren't so blinded by hate and their persecution complex, they might notice it.

  3. In the end, every politician that there ever was will only be thought of as destructive parasites.

  4. As you know Ed, the derivation of politics comes from poli = many + tics = blood sucking insects.

  5. Ed - generalizations that normalize what's going on in the Trump Republican party aren't helpful. Politicians are largely reflective of the people electing them and their prejudices, aspirations, hopes, etc. It should go without saying that there have been lots of good ones, as well as parasites.

    Larry -- interesting derivation. Would you apply that to Washington? Lincoln? There have been plenty of politicians all over the world since the dawn of time that have advanced civilization in ways we take for granted now. Since I've already stated my objection to generalizations, I'll leave it at that.
