Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Relentless

News item:  The Republican president of Kentucky Senate Robert Stivers, ladies and gentlemen, is an ass... and a sore loser --

They lie, they cheat, and when they don't win, they try to steal:

And, of course, it's pretty much everywhere Republicans are clinging to whatever power they still have.  As in Wisconsin, where after they lied, cheated, tried to steal and still lost, they haven't given up trying to undo the election by other means:

These totalitarian, un- American bastards need to be crushed if we ever hope to have anything resembling a functioning democracy again.  Yesterday's results in Virginia, the Philadelphia suburbs, and even in Kentucky need to be replicated again and again until these banana Republicans get flushed away.  We must be relentless.