Friday, November 15, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Witness Intimidation In Real Time (UPDATED)

Today, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovich testified to the House impeachment inquiry about her reaction to nitwit crime family boss Donald "The Dumb Don" Trump's characterizations of her while serving in Kiev:

Meanwhile, The Dumb Don was adding new ammunition for a witness intimidation/ obstruction of Congress article of impeachment by tweeting in real time.  Here are the relevant tweets from the twit:

Translation from mob- speak:  Yovanovich wouldn't play ball with Trump, his consigliere Rudy "You Have A Fool For A Lawyer" Giuliani and his numbnut cohorts in their scheme to smear the Bidens.

Rep. Adam Schiff saw the tweets and asked Amb. Yovanovich to respond, then spoke to reporters:

What a foul criminal we have in the White (Supremacist) House.  But, of course, we must ask ourselves the all- important question for all of these hearings: "Did it have pizzazz?"

UPDATE:  Here's what happened when Amb. Yovanovich left the hearing at the end --


  1. At a time when it's a struggle to feel pride about America, Yovanivich brought it back with her integrity, honesty, and courage. She deserves applause and recognition as a hero who has been attacked by her own country because her integrity was getting in the way of their schemes.I hope she can pick up the threads of her life and career and not fear retribution from the political villains who attacked her.

  2. donnah -- she ate the Republicans lunch and got the ovation she deserved at the end of the day. I think she'll be fine; she's extremely competent and there will be lots of people in a position to help her if that's necessary. Impressive witnesses so far.
