Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Unemployment Up In Swing States

Demagogue and pathological liar Donald "Individual-1" Trump tells his red cap cult at rallies that everything is great with the economy, usually pointing to the stock market as a prime example. However, new data from key swing states in the Midwest show that unemployment is on the rise, a fact that could turn more voters against him in 2020 if the trend continues.

(click to enlarge)

Many of the places that are struggling supported Trump in 2016, but unemployment is on the rise in those same places:
"In more than 1,000 counties, or about one in three, the unemployment rate is higher than it was a year ago. That includes all 72 counties in Wisconsin and all 10 in New Hampshire, as well as most in Michigan, Minnesota and North Carolina. The numbers can be volatile from month to month, but this trend remains even if you look at entire quarters or years. [snip]
“The key swing states are the ones that feel the most fragile right now. A lot of that is due to the trade war,” (Moody's Analytics Mark) Zandi said. “If anything moves against Trump, especially rising unemployment or higher Democratic turnout, it’s going to be a lot closer.” (our emphasis)
Last week, coal giant Murray Energy filed for bankruptcy, throwing thousands of coal miners out of their jobs from Alabama to Kentucky and West Virginia, and threatening their pensions. Trump lied to them in 2016 when he told them that "the coal industry is back."  Whether this situation will affect any of his hardcore support in those states is problematic.

Never underestimate Trump's ability to lie and pass the blame off on his opponents when the news is bad, while in the same breath claiming sole credit for things he had nothing to do with.


  1. I doubt losing jobs, losing family farms, losing life & limb will dissuade the MAGA Horde from voting for Trump. They believe they are in on the Con and as long as Trump and the Rape-publican Party keep #OwningtheLibs it's all good.

  2. Gene -- The hardcore will stay with him as they circle the drain. They'll go down yelling about the Libs and immigrants, not realizing that they were the instruments of their own demise.
