Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Kangaroo Court Means No Exoneration

Brazen Sen. Mitch "Moscow Mitch" McConnell doesn't bother to hide that, when the House- passed impeachment articles come to the Republican Senate, there'll be a kangaroo court waiting with a predetermined outcome coordinated with the defendant:

In the House impeachment inquiry process, malicious moron Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump and his Republican bootlickers were offered ample opportunity to provide exonerating documents and witnesses, but declined because there were no exonerating documents and witnesses. The House process was deliberate and fair, unlike what Moscow Mitch and his fellow toadies are prepared to present to the American people:  the essence of a kangaroo court.  Fittingly, perhaps, the verdict will be just as illegitimate as Trump's presidency has been.

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