Sunday, December 29, 2019

Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis' Cancer Diagnosis

Grim news from an American hero:
Rep. John Lewis recently learned from doctors that he must undergo treatment for pancreatic cancer. He released this statement today regarding his prognosis and his plans to continue to serve the people of the 5th Congressional District of Georgia:

“I have been in some kind of fight – for freedom, equality, basic human rights – for nearly my entire life. I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now.

“This month in a routine medical visit, and subsequent tests, doctors discovered Stage IV pancreatic cancer. This diagnosis has been reconfirmed.

“While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance.

“So I have decided to do what I know to do and do what I have always done: I am going to fight it and keep fighting for the Beloved Community. We still have many bridges to cross.

“To my constituents: being your representative in Congress is the honor of a lifetime. I will return to Washington in coming days to continue our work and begin my treatment plan, which will occur over the next several weeks. I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon.

“Please keep me in your prayers as I begin this journey.”


(Photo:  Rep. Lewis at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, Selma, Alabama)


  1. My heart sank when I heard this news. John Lewis is a true champion, patriot, fighter and role model. He survived racist beatings and fought inequality his whole life. It seems cruelly unfair that now he must take on a new, cruel battle for his life.

    Be strong, John Lewis. You have done immeasurable good for this country. I wish you the best.

  2. donnah -- we agree, and hope for the best while expecting the worst. If only we had more people like John Lewis in politics or any other walk of life...
