Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Giuliani's Corrupt Pro-Russian Helpers

As Federal prosecutors investigate unhinged Trump consigliere and bungling facilitator of his client's impeachment Rudy "Rudy Colludey" Giuliani for various crimes, new shady associates of Giuliani keep popping up as he continues his search for manufactured dirt on the Bidens and false testimony absolving Russia from hacking the 2016 elections.

The latest discredited buffoon to emerge alongside Giuliani is a pro-Russian Ukrainian politician named Andriy Derkach. It's worth noting that Derkach was a member of the pro-Russia "Party of Regions", the party of deposed, corrupt former President Viktor Yanokovych, who now resides in Mother Russia after embezzling huge sums of money while president of Ukraine. Derkach was also schooled at the KGB's Dzerzhinsky Higher School in Moscow, and served for a time in the Ukrainian parliament representing the "Party of Regions." So it should be no surprise, given his background, that he's feeding Kremlin disinformation to anyone who will listen, and Giuliani appears to be listening:
"Derkach and Giuliani met in Kyiv last week, and the Ukrainian parliamentarian provided Trump’s personal lawyer with a series of documents highlighting his allegations, including his favorite: Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential election, not Russia. The Daily Beast obtained a 50-page dossier disseminated by Derkach focusing on the 2016 allegation. [snip] 
Derkach has disseminated documents about Ukrainian collusion for years but recently began to recirculate his claims among current and former U.S. officials and interested Americans, including individuals close to Trump. And GOP lawmakers have mimicked some of the document’s claims as recently as this month in the midst of the House impeachment investigation."  (our emphasis) 
It's also no surprise either that Derkach has a grudge against the anti-corruption bureau in Ukraine, NABU, since his party and its pro-Russian former leader were exposed as deeply corrupt years ago:
"NABU’s primary sin, according to Derkach, was helping publish in the summer of 2016 the so-called black ledger detailing the Party of Regions’ secret payouts to then-Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort and others. Manafort was ousted from his position shortly thereafter and is currently serving 7 1/2 years in prison for an array of federal crimes." (our emphasis)
It's no surprise that the Kremlin, pro-Russian Ukrainians, Giuliani and the rest of Trumpworld have a mutual interest in working together to promote propaganda to undermine not only the fact that Russia interfered in our elections, but that the corrupt are innocent and the innocent are corrupt.

BONUS:  Stephen Colbert and John Lithgow have some fun with Giuliani's bungling:

(photo: Giuliani and his KGB-trained helper Andriy Derkach)

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