Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jealous Much, Donnie?

Where's the "Be Best" outrage from First Second Third Lady Melania "Melanie" Trump, now that her cowardly, sociopath of a husband has attacked a teenage girl for her TIME magazine "Person of the Year" cover?  <Crickets>. This after her faux outrage over a pun about Barron / Baron made in the impeachment hearings that suggested her autocratic husband's monarchist delusions.

Well, if "I Really Don't Care, Do U?" won't step up, others will:

Major props to Greta for noting the Orange Menace's taunt, and modifying her Twitter profile description:


  1. And he accuses HER of being angry, this from the poster child of meltdowns.

  2. bluzdude -- Exactly. He's the master of projection.
