Wednesday, December 11, 2019

QOTD -- Fighting For Truth

"It’s easy to play the political odds and avoid taking action on Trump’s lawlessness because doing so won’t add to the 53 percent who’ve known the president is unfit from Day One but will rile up Trump voters in Michigan and Wisconsin, by reminding them to hate the law professors and the journalists and the liberals. Such thinking is easy ... but wrong. Do we want to be a people liberated by the truth or imprisoned by fear of telling it?

"The fix is in regarding Trump’s political verdict in the Senate, but the verdict of the history books — if history books and science and colleges can survive the coming (bleep) storm — is still undetermined. Did we acquiesce to the slaughter of the truth that’s currently taking place in Washington, or did we fight back? Only the courageous will be remembered by our great-grandchildren." -- Will Bunch in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer, on the impeachment and the fight for truth.

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