Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tonight: "Nobody Is Above The Law" Rallies

Tonight, in every state in the country, rallies will be held to show support for the impeachment and removal of the malignant moron and Putin puppet Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump.  Here are some details:
Events are called for Tuesday, December 17th at 5:30 p.m. local time, but check your local event for a confirmed time and location...
The night before the House of Representatives takes a somber vote to impeach Trump, we'll head to every congressional office and public square to declare that Nobody Is Above the Law as representatives finalize their positions and senators look on...
Events will be visible, family-friendly, public gatherings to demonstrate to our lawmakers that their constituents are behind them to defend the Constitution—and that Trump has left them no alternative to uphold their oath of office but to support impeachment and removal.
If you go to the link above, you can search for the rally nearest you.

Here's what Michelle Goldberg says about the rallies:
High-profile protests have, perhaps naturally, waned as the Trump presidency has dragged on. Ordinary people can’t sustain a sense of emergency month after month, and much of the Resistance has poured itself into organizing around local elections. But in this moment, when the political valence of impeachment is still unclear, and the fight for a thorough, transparent trial in the Senate is just beginning, citizens can make a real difference by gathering en masse and voicing their outrage.
Demonstrations aren’t just about pressuring Republicans, though. Despite cable and social media, local TV news is still many people’s primary news source. Because there are going to be demonstrations everywhere — there are eight planned for Montana alone — local TV will likely cover them. “Right now the message is coming from Washington,” Jonah Minkoff-Zern, an organizer with Public Citizen, told me on Monday. “Tomorrow night, people are going to hear their neighbors’ voices.” If you want those voices to be amplified, you have to show up.
You have to show up.

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