Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Atrocities

This is the 9th violent anti-Semitic attack in the New York City area during Hannukah this year.  It's domestic terrorism, pure and evil.


  1. Man, I've been to that town dozens of times!

    These are very religious people, but they DO NO HARM!!!

    They are very faithful and strict in their belief.

    One time, I heard some asshole bitching about them walking all over town, in their black outfits.
    "What harm do they do to you, walking the streets, dressed in black, doing their daily errands?"
    'I HATE lookin' at them!!!," he said.
    So, don't look at them!
    Just leave them alone.

    I don't get it.

    I know many of those men treat their women like crap, but that's not too different from many Evangelical "Christians," or followers of other religions, like Islam.

    Religion is, in and of itself, the greatest evil humankind has ever created!

    The least we can do is leave people alone to follow their delusions!!!
    IMO, anyway...

    Them's my $0.02's worth!!!

  2. Victor -- it seems the wild beasts in the land have been given permission to live out their violent, hateful fantasies against the innocent, the harmless, the unprotected, anyone who is different in some manner than they are.

    Thanks for your $0.02!
