Friday, January 31, 2020

Now A Parnas Bombshell

Lev Parnas' attorney has sent a "shot across the bow" letter to Moscow Mitch McConnell and Sen. Chuck Schumer signalling what Parnas is prepared to testify to (in a Senate trial or some other venue):
Mr. Parnas would testify to the efforts he and a handful of Republican operatives engaged in over a period of months, to remove Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and gather ‘dirt’ on Joe and Hunter Biden. Mr. Parnas would testify that those holding various roles in this plot included GOP super PAC America First, President Trump, Vice President Pence, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Attorney General Bill Barr, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Congressman Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Staffer Derrick Harvey, Journalist John Soloman, Attorneys Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing, Mr. Giuliani, and others. He is prepared to review and explain relevant phone records, text messages, and other evidence in connection with these activities.
This is exhibit infinity why Republicans are moving forward without witness testimony. This is exactly what "the truth will come out" means, and why those Republicans who think they can "wrap this up" by a quick cover-up acquittal vote are in for some rude awakenings.

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