Friday, January 24, 2020

QOTD -- Goons

"Vote against the President and your head will be on a pike!" -- message from "the White House" to Republican Senators today, reported by CBS News.  Well, this shouldn't be too surprising, since we know the Trump regime is a criminal enterprise headed by "The Dumb Don" himself.  What's a threat of physical violence and a little jury tampering to these goons?!


donnah said...

This is basically Trump to the core. Feel obstructed by Ambassador Yavanovich? “Take her out”. Feel betrayed by one of your minions? Keep Gaetz off the Trump front lines. And feel threatened by a Senator's possible lack of loyalty? “put his head on a pike”.

Mob boss, making threats. Trump learned his lesson as a young man. Bully, demand loyalty, and never buck the Leader.

W. Hackwhacker said...

donnah -- exactly so. Who would've imagined our country, even in our recent past, being run by the likes of these?

Ole Phat Stu said...

Do none of the Rethugs in the senate have a spine?

W. Hackwhacker said...

OPS -- none that's been detected so far!