Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Republican Crime Blotter: Dunk And Drunk

Item #1: Corrupt Republican grifter and womanizing hack Rep. Duncan "Dunk" Hunter resigned from office today, following his plea of guilty a month ago to corruption in the use of campaign finance funds. Hunter's corruption centered on he and his wife illegally spending $200,000 in campaign funds on personal items. What items you ask?:
"An August 2018 indictment accused Hunter of using $200,000 in campaign money to fund family travel, school tuition, jewelry, groceries, gas etc. Prosecutors said he also spent the funds on extramarital affairs and flights for his family’s pet bunny. He tried to conceal the illegal spending by listing it in federal records as donations for military veterans and other campaign-related expenses, according to the indictment."
The part about using the money on extramarital affairs and hiding the spending by pretending it was for donations to veterans is especially rich for a far-right, flag-waving pseudo patriot like Hunter. He could face up to five years in prison (here's hoping) for his corruption.

Item #2: Here's a sure Rethuglican up-and-comer. New York State Assemblyman Brian Kolb  was driving a State-owned vehicle when he ran it down an embankment on New Year's Eve. When assistance arrived, Kolb tried to blame the accident on his wife, saying, "My wife was driving. You know how women drive." Police and responders noted that Kolb's wife wasn't even at the scene. And who says chivalry is dead? After testing twice the legal alcohol limit, Kolb was charged with misdemeanor DUI and will appear in court Thursday. Perhaps his wife can serve as a character witness.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about her being a character witness... her judgment was obviously impaired when she married him.
