Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Clinton Vindication And The New York Times

Rachel Maddow reflects on the recent finding of "nothing to see here" in the Trump- initiated federal investigation into the Clintons, focusing on the role of the New York Effing Times in promoting the story and other Clinton nothingburgers, often working hand- in- glove with Trump's ratfuckers:


  1. We continue to suffer because Hillary did not become president. Everything she predicted with Trump as president has come true, and everything negative said about her stamina, history and alleged crimes has all been debunked. She should have been our president. And someone said that if we voted for Hillary, we'd be at war with Iran, and we did..

    And look where we are now.

  2. donnah -- it's sickening to think about what might have been. It's an unfortunate "wake up call" for every election from now on -- that, yes, the worst case scenario can come true unless people take their citizenship obligations seriously and vote responsibly.
