Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The "Lindsey Fish" Squeaks Up

Never Trumper political consultant Steve Schmidt had him pegged when he characterized South Carolina' shameful opportunist and gigantic hypocrite Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham as a little "pilot fish" who accompanies larger apex predators and feeds off of their leftovers. Last night, as Iran hit bases in Iraq that house U.S. forces, Huckleberry was flapping his lips on Fux in a belligerent rant that conjured up a pipsqueak shouting taunts at someone behind a much bigger protector.

Appearing on right wing propagandist and chickenhawk Sean "Heil" Hannity's show/toilet, Heil set his compliant guest up with some vintage bluster from someone who's never worn the uniform of his country:
"Hannity called Iranian leaders 'stupid' and repeatedly touted U.S. military might, warning that Iran’s oil refineries 'could soon go up in flames' and their 'illicit nuclear sites may finally be annihilated.' 
'There is a massive price to pay,' he said. 'Their hostility will now be met with the full force of the greatest, most advanced, most sophisticated military this world has ever seen.'

The host continued: 'Without boots on the ground whatsoever, the United States will be ready to decimate Iran’s rogue leaders with our superior weaponry.'"
Wow, that's some major chickenhawk chickenshit from Heil. Apparently emboldened to one-up his host, Huckleberry fumed to Iran's leadership:
“Your fate is in your own hands in terms of the regime’s economic viability. You continue this crap, you’re going to wake up one day out of the oil business.”
He followed this with lavish praise for his Dear Leader, whom he laughably described as being "very methodical in his thinking."

There are many Trump cultists in politics today, but Huckleberry is one of the very worst in his sycophantic and cowardly kowtowing to his deeply corrupt, disturbed and dishonest leader.

(photo: Heil and Huckleberry enjoying some of Trump's detritus)


  1. Heil Hannity: "Their hostility will now be met with the full force of the greatest, most advanced, most sophisticated military this world has ever seen."

    Okay, but the pretender to the White House has again shown that he lacks the maturity, temperament and intelligence, as well as the emotional and mental stability to lead the United States in a time of crisis. So it doesn't really matter how powerful our nation may be while it's driven by this corrupt fake president.

  2. Tom -- Correct. In this situation, which he was not truly in control of, he needed Iran to walk him back from the brink. His ignorance, childishness and recklessness is on display for everyone to see.
