Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Amazon Wants Trump Deposed In Contract Case

Last fall, Amazon Web Services, whose parent company is Jeff Bezos' Amazon juggernaut, lost a contract bid to Microsoft to provide the Defense Department with a centralized computing system referred to as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure or "JEDI" (what's with these reverse-engineered Star Wars initials at the Pentagon? It's FUBAR). It's a $10 billion contract, so Amazon wasn't going to roll over, especially since there's compelling evidence that Very Stable Genius and fraudster Donald "Impeached Forever" Trump appears to have put his thumb on the scale in the decision. Amazon's suing in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and they want not only Defense Secretary Mark Esper to be deposed under oath, but Trump, too.

Amazon isn't mincing words over what they feel is Trump's biased meddling in the contract award:
“'President Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to use his position as President and Commander in Chief to interfere with government functions — including federal procurements — to advance his personal agenda,' Amazon Web Services spokesman Drew Herdener said in a statement Monday. 
'The preservation of public confidence in the nation’s procurement process requires discovery and supplementation of the administrative record, particularly in light of President Trump’s order to ‘screw Amazon.’ The question is whether the President of the United States should be allowed to use the budget of the DoD to pursue his own personal and political ends.'” (our emphasis)
Richest- man- in- the- world Bezos owns the Washington Post, which has been highly critical of Trump and his regime. Moreover, Trump's envy of wealthier men is on frequent display (Bezos' $130 billion fortune dwarf's Trump's debt-ridden wealth).

Once again, Trump has bumbled his way into an unnecessary fight, this time with an adversary with such deep pockets they can out last him and see that the Claims Court nullifies the contract /splits it into pieces, etc. In any event, Bezos will eventually emerge richer, and Trump may face questioning under oath, something that, as a moron and pathological liar, he's well advised to avoid.

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