Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Comments On Trump's Last State of the Union

Some reactions to P.T.Barnum's demagogic con man Donald "Impeached Forever" Trump's reality show State of the Union last night. Bravo to gun safety advocate and father of Parkland victim Fred Guttenberg for interrupting Trump's praise of the Second Amendment, and to the dozen or so Members of Congress that walked out at various times during Trump's campaign rally.

BONUS:  Then there were the lies, coming three- a- minute.  WaPo fact checked.

BONUS II: Here are some quotes from hate radio Presidential medal awardee Rush "Oxycontin Rush" Limbaugh. Media Matters has more, if you can stomach it. That's the depth of depravity typical of this awful regime.

(gif: Speaker Pelosi delivers the initial Democratic response, triggering Republican snowflakes and DOPUS)


  1. Some Democrats walked out, some spoke out about HR3 and Nancy Pelosi ripped his speech in two, literally.

    I applaud these moves, as they reflect how I feel about this administration. Trump lied and grandstanded and sent racist dogwhistles in his speech and we have to stand up against it. I'm glad the Democrats did so.

    The Republicans will be insufferable now. When they acquit Trump today, they will be unleashed to do whatever they can dream up. They will continue to block key legislation and they will all keep looking the other way as Trump jumps happily into another corrupt scheme.

    Feeling low today, but I know it's just another hurdle we have to jump.

  2. donnah -- Trump's election mobilized Dems and Independents to flock to the polls in 2018. He'll campaign the same way this election cycle, and will anger and fire up the base like nothing else. His vile character and corruption is our best campaign poster.
