Friday, February 28, 2020

Cover Of The Week -- Coronavirus Epidumbic

Next week's cover of The New Yorker nails it.

(click on image to enlarge)

So we have a way- over- his- empty- head incompetent in the Oval Office when a deadly worldwide crisis hits. We'll see what price we pay for the frivolous choices others have made.

(Image:  cover art by Brian Stauffer)


  1. Perfect illustration. Trump's destruction of our infrastructure and government offices is again revealing how dangerous this administration is. And if American lives are lost to this virus, he's going to face greater criticism than he has to date. And the fact that he's muzzling the top medical professionals and keeping them from making public statements is more troubling.

    Those of us who have been paying attention realize that this was bound to happen. Maybe those who haven't been paying attention might just see him and his cronies for who they really are: inept and corrupt.

  2. donnah -- we aren't the first to say this could well be Trump's Katrina -- a real world case study of what happens when you marry traditional, sociopathic Republican government slashing with historic incompetence.
