Thursday, February 20, 2020

QOTD -- Your Periodic Anti-Cannibalism Reminder, Post-Debate Edition

"Can these Democratic candidates start competing over who is best positioned to bring together the majority of Americans who disapprove of how Trump is running things? Can they try to prove it by reaching out now to constituencies not part of their own natural base — and by taming the furies within their own factions? Can they look at the smirk on Trump’s face and realize the damage they’ll do our nation if they just pretend that this primary is like every other?" -- E.J. Dionne, Jr., in "Will Trump Scare Some Sense Into The Democrats," in today's Washington Post.  This isn't like any other election year, and Democrats -- candidates and their supporters -- need to stop providing Trump's billion dollar campaign free ammunition to suppress Democratic voting.  FFS.

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