Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- Miracle On Ice Part Deux?

Don't know if we'd ever want to call a hockey player -- and a goalie at that-- "Cinderella" to his face, but this does qualify as a Cinderella story:

So, they send in the 42- year- old Zamboni driver and Canadian national, Dave Ayers,  as the emergency replacement in the second period --

And, the rest, as they say, is history --

It's 40 years and a day since the "Miracle on Ice" at the Lake Placid Olympics when the amateur American hockey team beat the professional Soviet Russian team.  For the Carolina Hurricanes and Dave Ayers, this was their "Miracle on Ice" four decades later.

(h/t Balloon Juice)


  1. I love this story! It felt like we needed a story like this to boost our morale.


  2. donnah- a real everyman's fantasy come true!
