Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- We Were Warned

BONUS: The Very Stable Genius, focused on the stock market and blaming the news media for his clueless, incompetent response, manages to misspell "coronavirus" in his deranged tweet.


  1. I wonder if people know that Alex Azar, the nation's Health Secretary, was the former president of Lily pharmaceuticals and also was a lobbyist for big pharma. And he couldn't promise that the potential cure for the coronavirus would be made available and affordable for everyone. Let THAT sink in. Our government representative who should oversee and promote the health of the citizenry doesn't care if only the rich will be able to afford the vaccine because the drug companies have to make a profit.

    Trump only hires the best!

    Now Azar has been replaced by Pence as the leader of the Coronavirus task force. But he's still the Secretary of Health.

  2. donnah -- it's a total sociopathic, social Darwinist shitshow!
