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What are the odds that:— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) February 4, 2020
➡️ most anticipated poll of the year (@DMRegister) is cancelled.
➡️ voting system completely crashes.
....and it has nothing to do with a Bernie blowout and a Biden crash?
We love Lindsey because he recognizes Donald as our new Jesus! He sees him as a new Mother Theresa on steroids and remains as devoted as everyone. We want Lindsey as first lady! #WeWantLindsey— John Miller (@realJohnSMiller) February 4, 2020
What are the odds that I’m sending your opponent @harrisonjaime $20 every time you tweet disinformation (hint: they are 1:1)— Ben Buehler (@sourcerolls) February 4, 2020
Much less than the odds that the Russians are interfering in the election again to put Trump back in office.— Geoff Garin (@geoffgarin) February 4, 2020
What are the odds you discover a basic sense of integrity or morality?— Zack Hunt (@ZaackHunt) February 4, 2020
Thank you for that "informed" opinion, Senator Lindsey Larouche.— Mark Salter (@MarkSalter55) February 4, 2020
Peddle your disinformation elsewhere, Jubilation T Cornpone.— Matt Mitovich (@MattMitovich) February 4, 2020
I know right. It's so much easier when you rig primaries to exclude any competition— Eric McNutt (@emac2ts) February 4, 2020
About the same that your spine will regenerate.— Bone Saw (@bone_saw45) February 4, 2020
You really are an endless source of malevolent garbage.— Hussein Ibish (@Ibishblog) February 4, 2020
Show Huckleberry's Dem opponent Jaime Harrison some love by contributing to his campaign.
Lindsey is a lost cause, and his reputation will always be a millstone around his neck. He's a remora on Trump's ass and he will never get anywhere on his own merits. It would be hilarious if he were to be thrown under the Trump bus.