Saturday, February 29, 2020

Vid: Trump Comes Back To Haunt Graham

Dem candidate for the U.S. Senate Jaime Harrison is running against slippery Trump towel boy Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham this November. Harrison ran this devastating ad on Fox while Trump was in South Carolina campaigning for Graham. Well done!

Save for Moscow Mitch McConnell, there are no Senate Rethugs we'd like to see beaten in November more than Graham. So if you're inclined, contribute to Jaime Harrison's campaign.


  1. It makes me very happy to contribute to support Jaime and this wonderful campaign ad. Well done! P.E.C.

  2. P.E.C. -- That's great, thank you good friend!

  3. I'm, of course, voting for Harrison but I have major doubts he'll unseat Lindsey the Piss Ant. Despite Lindsey's blustering, he's a weak follower and only does what will secure his Senate seat. He followed McCain like a sexually confused puppy because the late Senator had lots of retired veteran support here in South Carolina.

    And because trump is worshiped by the moronic masses here, Lindsey has abandoned all pretense of independent thought.

  4. Beach Bum -- Well said. For Graham to have pivoted from McCain to Trump shows his contemptible lack of integrity. Glad you're voting, and we hope many more follow your example.
