Thursday, March 12, 2020

Come And Get It! (The Coronavirus, That Is) -- UPDATED

Babbling to the press pool this morning, mentally unfit sociopath Donald "Very Stable Genius" Trump keeps trying to downplay the COVID-19 pandemic, obviously because he's terrified of the stock market tanking (which it is) and destroying his re-election chances. But he's also not concerned about his mouth breathing cult followers coming to his Nuremberg rallies and infecting each other (after all, he's told them it's a hoax perpetrated by Dems and the media):

Trump's aides are pleading with him because they don't want to go with him. A number of observers were quick to comment on the rally problem:

UPDATE:   Shhh!  Don't let Trump know Huckleberry doesn't think it's a hoax--
The office of Sen. Lindsey Graham says he has decided to self-quarantine himself and work remotely because he was in Florida at an event attended by a top Brazilian government official who tested positive for the new coronavirus.

(photo: There's the Liberty Bell, and then there's the dumb bell.)


  1. Trump will not cancel his personal adoration sessions until he absolutely must. One reason he loves being president is getting all the love from his fan base. His ego won't let him give that up. If he cared about running the country as much as he cares about being praised, we wouldn't be in this mess.

    According to sources, he has been exposed several times now. But even if he concedes to being tested, he would never release the results. He cannot show any vulnerability. It's what narcissists do.

  2. donnah -- the shitgibbon apparently canceled events in Nevada, Colorado and Wisconsin just recently. It'll lead to some depressing days ahead for him, because as you say, he feeds off the adoration of the knuckle draggers. Sad!
