Thursday, March 12, 2020

Come And Get It! (The Coronavirus, That Is) -- UPDATED

Babbling to the press pool this morning, mentally unfit sociopath Donald "Very Stable Genius" Trump keeps trying to downplay the COVID-19 pandemic, obviously because he's terrified of the stock market tanking (which it is) and destroying his re-election chances. But he's also not concerned about his mouth breathing cult followers coming to his Nuremberg rallies and infecting each other (after all, he's told them it's a hoax perpetrated by Dems and the media):

Trump's aides are pleading with him because they don't want to go with him. A number of observers were quick to comment on the rally problem:

UPDATE:   Shhh!  Don't let Trump know Huckleberry doesn't think it's a hoax--
The office of Sen. Lindsey Graham says he has decided to self-quarantine himself and work remotely because he was in Florida at an event attended by a top Brazilian government official who tested positive for the new coronavirus.

(photo: There's the Liberty Bell, and then there's the dumb bell.)