Monday, March 9, 2020

Coronavirus Poetic Justice Update

That was then:


This is now:"Rep. Matt Gaetz is the latest member of Congress to go into self-quarantine after coming in contact with an individual at CPAC who has since tested positive for the coronavirus." Not so funny anymore is it, you smug jackass?

Other science- skeptical Trumpist Republicans who are self- quarantining after coming into contact at the Conservative Crackpot Political Action Conference with a person who tested positive for coronavirus: Texas Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz, Arizona Rep. Paul "Even My Family Hates Me" Gosar, and Georgia Rep. Doug "Peckerwood" Collins.  Both Collins and Gaetz have also come into contact with germophobe dolt Donald "Dr. Trump, PhD'oh" Trump in recent days.

We can only hope, if you know what we mean and we think you do.

1 comment:

  1. Act like a jerk? Gaetz isn't acting. He is always a jerk!

    I'm not wishing the coronavirus on, wait, I am!
