Friday, March 13, 2020

Falwell Jr.'s Insane COVID-19 Conspiracies

Right-wing fundamentalists have consistently rallied to the defense of their golden calf, sociopath and sexual predator Donald "Two Corinthians" Trump, despite his manifest immorality. It's not surprising, given that their business is selling their gullible flock on the "prosperity gospel" grift, which puts cash in their pockets and proclaims that wealth is godly. That Trump appoints Federal judges that want to put women back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, is a big plus to them, too.

With the spread of COVID-19 and Trump's failure to respond to it effectively, these same idolators are looking to offer cover for his bungling. The latest is pool boy fan and golden calf buffer Jerry Falwell, Jr. , who regaled the early bird special audience (including Trump) of Fux and Friends with tales of conspiracies intended to bring down his master:
"You know, it's just strange to me how so many are overreacting. The H1N1 virus, in 2009, killed 17,000 people. It was the flu, also, I think. And there was not the same hype. It was — you just didn't see it on the news 24/7. And it makes you wonder if there's a political reason for that.

It's, you know, impeachment didn't work, and the Mueller Report didn't work, and Article 25 [sic] didn't work. And so maybe now, this is their next — their next attempt to get Trump."  (our emphasis)
He went on to tie North Korea into the conspiracy apparently because they've had a falling out with Trump.

You can be certain that religious con man Falwell's scam school for Bible thumpers, Liberty University, will become an incubator for COVID-19, since Falwell will see closing it down as an overreaction that will harm his master's reelection prospects. The parents of the kids going there should be very worried this morning that the head of that place is an unhinged fanatic whose main mission is to protect Trump's political standing, and not the health of their kids.

(photo: Master and humble servant exchanging virus germs. Scott Morgan/Reuters)