Thursday, March 12, 2020

Moscow Mitch's Deal With The Devil Looks Worse Than Ever

With several Republicans self-quarantining after exposure to a coronavirus carrier at the Conservative Crackpot Political Action Conference recently, we're checking the news everyday to see whether amoral, soulless hack Moscow Mitch McConnell is feeling ill:

Time to spread the blame around to the sycophantic members of the rotted-out Republican party (encore tweet):

Fortunately, the Dems have a true star to oppose McConnell in November. Retired Marine aviator Amy McGrath, who could use your support.


  1. Been giving to Amy to get rid of that slime ball. Who knew that CPAC would be a physical as well as ideological disease vector?

  2. Ol' Moscow Mitch is strangely silent while his Frankenstein monster Trump goes rampaging across the country, leaving dead citizens in his wake.

    Why should Mitch care? He can still deny all of the bills waiting to be presented to the Senate, he got his tax cuts and may get more, and his Supremes are in place, already working on dismantling health care, Roe v Wade, and health care. Mitch couldn't care less about the state of our country as we're faced with a pandemic. He'll be fine!

  3. Jimbo -- Good man! What poetic justice it would be to have that collection of the lowest common denominators in our gene pool be affected by the very virus their Dear Leader said was a hoax.

  4. donnah -- they're blocking the emergency paid sick leave bill, too, the sociopaths.
