Sunday, March 29, 2020

Today's Cartoons

(click on images to enlarge)

(Bill Day,

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

(Dave Whamond,

(Arcadio Esquivel,

(Kevin Kallaugher, Baltimore Sun)

(Nick Anderson, Washington Post Writers Group)

(John Cole, Scranton Times-Tribune, PA)

(Tom Toles, Washington Post)

(Chris Britt,

(Kevin Siers, Charlotte Observer)

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

(Ken Catalino,

(Mike Thompson, USA Today)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Trump's loyal ninnies constantly bray about socialism and Lefty weak-kneed Liberals, so they can t help bashing the neediest people who are getting checks. And they've been cackling with glee over the thought of Trump's signature being on those checks. But you can bet they'll pocket those socialist checks just a pretty as you please.

    And since most will go out as direct deposit, it won't need the fat orange turd's scrawl on it.
