Sunday, March 15, 2020

Trump Creates COVID-19 Incubator At U.S. Airports

After incompetent sociopath Donald "Dear Leader" Trump suddenly announced restrictions on travelers returning from Europe, U.S. airports' international terminals have been swamped with the influx of returning travelers. The packed terminals have created a "social distancing" nightmare, with hours-long lines through Federal customs for the hastily arranged COVID-19 screening. It's certain that poor planning for, and execution of, these restrictions by the Trump regime will result in more confirmed cases.  More material for a case study in incompetence (see post below).

Chicago's O'Hare Airport

Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport

New York's JFK Airport


  1. I'm supposed to fly to S Dakota for a workshop in April. It's not looking good, but I'll hold out a bit longer before I decide. It's not a large group, fewer than twenty students, but the airport situation might be a deal breaker. I taught an in-state group a week ago with no issues, and I have another one scheduled in a week and a half that I can drive to. But figuring out it it's safe to be there at all...tough choices. If I don't teach, I lose my income. I'm probably going to take the hits and stay home.

  2. donnah -- That's a shame, but you're smart to hold off with a final decision. With the extensive social distancing / voluntary quarantine actions being taken by people, it might be safer then. Then again, it could be as bad if not worse. Sorry to hear this.

  3. Yeah, it's a niche group, my classes usually number about fifteen to twenty women. I won't put anyone at risk. Hopefully we'll have a clearer picture as the days go by this week. But it worries me more than I care to admit.



    My thoughts go out to you!

  5. Thanks, Victor and Hackers. Here in Ohio, the Governor has closed sit down restaurants and bars. I won't be the only one suffering. it's going to be a rough time for a lot of us.
