Friday, March 27, 2020

Trump: New York Doesn't Need More Ventilators! (UPDATED)

He's going to have more blood on his hands, because “I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be”:

In the recording, he always comes back to what's most important to him, being able to point to the stock market and the economy as a rationale for his re- election.  To that end:
We haven’t seen anything like it, but the end result is we’ve got to get back to work, and I think we can start by opening up certain parts of the country.
That's what you get when the phone rings at 3 a.m., and the person answering it is an ignorant, childish, narcissistic sociopath. (Note: A commenter makes a good point about how ventilators are being parceled out as they are.)

(This is also another Trump quote that will end up in a Democratic ad using his own words as evidence of his incompetence and culpability for lives lost unnecessarily.)

UPDATE:  Apparently he's telling Michigan they're on their own, too.  Pure, evil sociopath.

UPDATE II:  The Moron Vector continues to flip flop.  Maybe these would've been destined only for red states --

UPDATE III:  Someone who would know calls out Moron Vector's claims --


  1. I've been pointing at this for a while now:


    No matter how low you think this guy is, it is lower than that.

  2. Unknown -- you're absolutely right. He's using them as favors for "his people" and states that can help him in the election.
