Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tweets Of The Day: GOP Death Panels

Dangerous sociopath and malignant narcissist Donald "Moron Vector" Trump's suggestion yesterday (see post below) that he may call for a premature suspension of social distancing and business closures to "restart" the economy, against the urging of doctors and public health experts, has provoked intense backlash and the creation of #gopdeathpanels:

As some have pointed out, the desperate Rethugs would be targeting a key demographic of theirs for elimination if this were played out. And being "pro-life" to them ends with childbirth, as we've known all along. There's some comfort in the fact that mayors and governors drive the public health rules within their respective jurisdictions, unless Trump tells his cult to go back to work anyway.

But the depraved thinking that we should be willing to expose segments of our population, including all people with compromised immune systems, for the good of Wall Street and cash flush corporations is beyond obscene, but predictable for the members of this corrupt, rotted out authoritarian clique of a party.


  1. When has the GOP's naked greed ever been so prominently and publicly displayed? (I'm sure it's been at least a week.)

  2. bluzdude -- It's in their DNA. They dress it up with terms like "free market," and "freedom," but it's all about greed and privilege.
