Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Again, Pence Unmasked... As A Dolt

VP Mike "Dense" Pence visited the Mayo Clinic and was told in advance about the clinic's policy requiring everyone to wear a face mask in the facility, to guard against transmission of COVID-19. Here was his response:

Not too surprising, given this (from a July 2017 visit to the Kennedy Space Center):

And yet, he's a genius compared to you- know- who.

It was a failure by Mayo not to have told him no mask, no visit.  That would have been the right example to set.

(Photos:  top, screenshot from PBS News; bottom, Mike Brown/ REUTERS)


  1. Pence, executing a total dick move. I'm sure he believes he's immune, bathed in the blood of Christ and all, but I hope he isn't. And shame on him for endangering everyone else at the hospital.

  2. donnah -- I suspect it's what you said, and wanting the please the non- mask- wearing Donnie, too.
