Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Barr May Sue States Enforcing COVID-19 Restrictions

Once again demonstrating his function as the "fixer" for authoritarian con man Donald "Moron Vector" Trump, the despicable and corrupt Attorney General William "Low" Barr is threatening to join suits against states whom Trump thinks have gone "too far" in public health restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appearing on far-right extraterrestrial Hugh Hewitt's radio program:
"...Barr called some current stay-at-home orders 'burdens on civil liberties' and said that if they continued and lawsuits were brought, his department would side against the state.

'The idea that you have to stay in your house is disturbingly close to house arrest. I'm not saying it wasn't justified. I'm not saying in some places it might still be justified. But it's very onerous, as is shutting down your livelihood,' Barr said."  (our emphasis)
He can't resist weasel-wording his threat in the "I'm not saying" dodge. Barr mouths Trump's constant refrain that businesses should be open sooner rather than later, damn the public health consequences of reigniting the spread of COVID-19. The sycophantic Barr has again shown that Trump has found his Roy Cohn, his evil, reptilian mentor during his days as a predatory real estate huckster in New York City.

At the heart of the push to "reopen" the economy is Trump's belief that a recovered economy is his only hope for reelection, and potentially staying out of prison for a variety of Federal and state felonies. It's not about small businesses failing or working Americans not getting paychecks. It's certainly not about stressed health care workers at risk of being overwhelmed by a new surge of patients in hospitals. It's about him. Always about the Dear Leader.

BONUSInfidel 753 has a good read on the Republican strategy and why it won't work.

(photo: The face that's begging to be punched)

1 comment:

  1. I have never wished ill health on anyone. Pretty pissed right now so I will just hope they get the schadenfreude that Boris "Why not try Herd Immunity England?" Johnson got. Felt that Johnson got into Trumps' ear to let the weak die and get it over with. Then I think that is silly, the reason they have done everything wrong is they are shit grifters that know nothing of good governance.
