Thursday, April 9, 2020


Earlier today, we posted several new ads by Priorities USA.  Here's a new one by the never- Trump group "The Lincoln Project" that nails Trump on the "I was distracted by impeachment" bullshit:


(For anyone tempted to comment negatively about these never- Trumpers, we respect your opinion, but please stifle it.  We believe we need every supporter, every ad, and every dollar we can muster to defeat the existential threat that is Donald Trump.  Purity is an over- valued commodity in times like this.  Thank you.)


  1. If these former Trump preachers or never-Trumpers want to spend their time and money on ads against him, bring 'em! We need all of the media outlets to get these truths out there for everyone to see. Some former devoted Republicans like Nicole Wallace and Michael Steele are on MSNBC leveling criticism after criticism in utter outrage against him. Good!

    Jennifer Rubin is another Conservative who has turned around on Republicans. Let them talk. I want anyone who hates Trump as much as I do to have an open mic.

  2. donnah- we agree. It also seems some of these never-Trumpers are more sharp in their criticism of Trump and his cult than many Democrat talking heads. I think we might be seeing them staying with the Democratic side for the indefinite future since Trumpism is going to be the brand of the Republican Party for years to come.

  3. I'm reading pushback against the likes of Steve Schmidt and Rubin and Steele because they are partially responsible for the Republican Party from Reagan to Bush to the disaster of Trump. They were all staunch Conservatives who went for the war and supported the Republican leadership.

    And I respect that, because they did back the wrong people. But when you have once-devoted followers of any party suddenly “see the light”, let them speak. Who better to make a case against the Trump administration? Who knows the inner workings of this party better than the ones who took part in it? If I'm a member of a political party and my former supporters speak out against it now, I'm going to listen and ask why.

    So I reiterate: let them talk. Let them spend money on televised PSAs and commercials and print material. Let them join our chorus of dismay and disappointment and let the country know it's okay to turn their backs on a president who cares only for himself.
