Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dying Hate Radio Guy Says What?

When we heard that porcine hate radio fixture and opiod-abusing slanderer Rush "Limpballs" Limbaugh was in the late stages of lung cancer and didn't have long to live, we wondered "so, how long is long?" Well, Limpballs is still with us, after collecting a absurdly undeserved Medal of Freedom, as a reward for his propagandizing, from his co-dependent monster, Donald "Cheat-O" Trump. It seems Limpballs can't stop his lifelong campaign of right-wing propaganda and smears. For example this insane tirade on his vile radio program yesterday against the public health experts that are literally trying to save our lives:
“We’ve got all of these Hillary Clinton sympathizers still in the medical expert team here, and we know that one thing has not changed. And that is these people’s desire — above everything else — to get rid of Donald Trump.

Can you believe these people don’t care about the economy being shut down? It is stunning to me. People are being ruined. I talked to a number of friends of mine. These are people that own their own business. A guy — a good friend of mine in South Carolina — told me he’s losing a million dollars a day. Another friend’s business is totally shut down — he’s ruined. And there’s no end in sight to this.”  (our emphasis)
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been receiving death threats as a result of these kinds of demented accusations. Limpballs telling his gullible and brainwashed listeners that this is all about bringing Trump down is a sure way to get them not only to threaten public health experts, but to violate public health warnings and endanger us all. Making it all about Trump signals that Limpballs and his ilk put their extreme cult ideology above the health of the nation, and couldn't care less about their own endangered listeners. Also, the anecdote about his good friend in South Carolina losing "a million dollars a day" tells you who Limpballs cares most about: his ultra-wealthy buddies who wouldn't mind putting their employees in danger of contracting COVID-19 as long as they can make a million bucks.

Our question remains: "so, how long is long?"

BONUSSteve M. at No More Miter Nice Blog has more on Limpballs' broadcast yesterday, specifically on the topic of the flu vaccine, of which Limpballs knows nothing (surprise!).

(photo: Limpballs sucking on his deadly pacifier)


  1. Limbaugh's malevolence keeps him going, probably. If evil is a life force, he could live another hundred years. It's what keeps Trump from catching the virus. His inner evil is too strong for the virus to break through.

    But I'm still hoping for their demise.

  2. donnah --You're in no way alone in that hope.
