Sunday, April 26, 2020

Florida's Gov. "One Glove" Ready To Declare Win

Florida's Trumpist cult Gov. Ron "One Glove" DeSantis will do whatever his death cult leader, fake doctor and sociopath Donald "Disinfectant Don" Trump will tell him to do. So for now, he's pretending to be "cautious" about reopening businesses in his state, but pushing the claim that Florida's past the peak of COVID-19 infections, so everybody to the nail salons and beaches!  He's also claiming that Florida's flattened the curve of new cases, something that without widespread testing he can't be sure of because of the asymptomatic people out there walking around spreading it. From the Miami Herald:
"DeSantis said Florida has more hospital beds available this week than when the coronavirus pandemic began in late February, and he derided the media’s reporting on data models that predicted the state’s hospitals would be overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of patients with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

“This week the number of people who’ve been in the hospital has hovered around 2,100 people,” he said. “Flattening the curve is all about making sure the disease doesn’t overwhelm the hospital systems,” he said.  [snip]

Wael Barsoum, CEO of Cleveland Clinic Florida, said people have been avoiding hospitals and likely deferring needed care, which could cause their medical conditions to worsen. Barsoum, an orthopedic surgeon, also cautioned that there is still a lot left to learn about how to recover from a pandemic.

'It’s never happened in any of our lifetimes that we have reversed a viral quarantine,' Barsoum said. 'So what we’re going to be seeing here over the next several weeks and months will be educational to each of us [ed. -- particularly One Glove]... Please recognize that we will learn everyday, and we may have to step back from some of those decisions as a society.'" (our emphasis)
Brag on, Governor. Wait until people that have died of COVID-19 in their apartments, etc. are counted, having avoided hospital care out of fear or poverty. Florida has almost 31,000 COVID-19 cases, and over 1,000 have died. Those numbers are going up. DeSantis was among the last Governors of a major state to issue a stay-at-home order, likely causing the virus to spread. He was following Trump's lead, not the advice of medical and epidemiological experts, in his slow response.

Gov. One Glove might want to focus instead on Florida's unemployment insurance system, which Rethugs broke deliberately, that saw 500,000 new claims last week alone.

BONUS:  Today, the schmendrick called Florida "God's waiting room" due to the large number of nursing homes in the state.  Comforting!

(photo: "One Glove" DeSantis demonstrates how to spread COVID-19. His bottle of Dr. Donnie's Miracle Bleach is nearby.)


  1. Oh, Floriduh! Your devotion to the Trump cult is going to drag your further down the Darwinian chain. Their Governor will continue to cook the books in terms of how he calculates the death toll and infection rates, based on residents and non-permanent residents, but the number will go up across the board.

    And those represent deaths of those who are willing to disobey safety measures as well as the ones who do obey and get infected by them.

  2. donnah -- He's one of the most despicable members of the Trump cult. His delayed action on a shutdown will have resulted in more deaths had he acted sooner.
