Friday, April 3, 2020

"Magnet For Fraud": A Trump Production

If you think this botched small business loan roll-out won't result in significant financial fraud, we have a diploma from Trump University to sell you:
"The Trump administration launched an $350 billion small business lending effort Friday amid concerns the program’s infrastructure, finalized just hours before going live, wasn’t ready for the flood of millions of people expected to seek help. [snip]
Administration officials have sharply streamlined procedures, hoping for a same-day approval process that is unheard of in the history of small-business lending. [snip] 
Some banking officials have warned that the abbreviated review process ― which allows borrowers to attest to their own eligibility without the government’s approval ― will make the program a magnet for fraud. Although the SBA will be able to audit lenders and borrowers later, it will fall primarily to private bankers to make decisions about who should receive taxpayer-backed loans." (our emphasis)
Last minute guidelines for the loans, check. Overwhelmed infrastructure for loan processing, check. Borrowers self-attest to eligibility, check. Magnet for fraud, check. It's a Donald "Moron Vector" Trump Production all right.


  1. I have a proposal for tRUMP:
    We will give you, VP Mike Dense, The First Shady, and her idiot hubby, Lord FlauntItAll, a full amnesty for ANY and ALL crimes to date!
    Personal, AND political!
    It's a WIN/WIN!!!

    We get SotH Nancy Pelosi as POTUS running this country, and you all get to keep ALL if your ill-gotten gains!

    Just think, Donnie!
    NO prosecutions at all!
    You can then go on to your next grift(s) with a clean record!

    SUCH A DEAL!!!!!

    But ya gotta act now, or tomorrow, it's off, and you stand a chance if dying in a prison cell - and no, The First Shady can't share your cell!
    But if you plead guilt quickly, maybe we can arrange conjugal visits with your daughter!
    But if you make us go to trial, we'll make sure The Third Wife, Melanoma, gets to stay in the cell with with you, and be there not holding your hand until you finally go to Hell: Where YOU have to kiss Satan's hot, Sulfurous, ass for ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!

    WE'RE WAITING!!!!!!!!!?

  2. After reading this I remember those Columbia House music clubs from years ago where you sent them a penny, or a dollar, and got a dozen or so cassette tapes. The point being you had to buy a certain number of cassettes at regular price.

    Ain't going to lie, my friends and I scammed Columbia several times without ever buying the required music.
