Thursday, April 2, 2020

Pelosi Creates Watchdog Committee For COVID-19 Funds

Wisely not trusting corrupt cheat and fraudster Donald "Cheat-o" Trump and his enablers with the $2.2 trillion COVID-19 relief funding, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi established a special committee in the House to guard against waste, fraud and abuse for the distribution and use of the relief funds. Dem stalwart Rep. Jim Clyburn (SC) will head the bipartisan committee.

Shortly after signing the $2.2 trillion bill, which prohibits him and his crime family (among others) from receiving any of those funds, Trump said he wouldn't comply with the transparency required in the bill regarding $500 billion in corporate bailout funds. Dems are concerned that Trump would steer much of the funding to his donors and businesses that have supported Rethuglican candidates, if not to his own far flung scams.

We've seen how Trump is steering needed personal protection equipment and ventilators to red states that are key to his reelection, like Florida, whose despicable governor has resisted any meaningful virus-suppressive measures. So it's certain that he sees the $500 billion as a private slush fund to reward his sycophantic followers and donors. It's up to the House and good investigative journalists to expose his scams before they take effect.

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