As demagogue and mentally unfit authoritarian Donald "Absolute Authority" Trump and his cult are agitating for the premature "re-opening" of business around the country, a new NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll shows that 60% of American voters are more worried that relaxing stay-at-home restrictions will cause a reemergence of COVID-19 than the 32% who are worried about not "re-opening" the economy soon.
In addition, 52% say they disapprove of Trump's botched handling of the pandemic, with the same percentage saying that they don't trust what Trump says about the coronavirus. State governors fare much better as to whom the voters trust, with 66% trusting them. The poll also measured growing public concern about the virus:
"In March, 53 percent of voters said they were worried that someone in their immediate family would catch the disease. Now it’s 73 percent.Meanwhile, right-wing organizations are sponsoring poorly-attended (but media- saturated) astroturf protests to demand that the virus be allowed to spread in America. Right- wing leaders are telling Trump that he has to restart the economy within a month, or face defeat in November, something that Trump fears above all else, certainly more that the probability that COVID-19 would spread as a result.
Also in March, a combined 26 percent said the coronavirus has changed their day-to-day life in a 'very' or 'fairly' major way. Now it’s 77 percent.
And in a CNBC poll conducted in early April by the same polling firms, 27 percent said they personally know someone infected by the coronavirus. Now, just more than a week later, it’s 40 percent."
The NBC News / WSJ poll was conducted April 13 -15, and has a margin of error of 3.3 %.
As for our family, we're staying with the stay at home protocol. I'm still checking in on my elderly moms, but we're all safe and haven't been exposed to outer interaction. Trump and his greedy corporate ghouls can go fuck themselves. The rich have nothing to worry about, since they have access to all the food and amenities they need. They have no right to demand that the rest of Americans endanger their lives to go back to work unless it's safe. And now it's not safe.
ReplyDeleteAnd until it's safe and they can prove it, I'm staying home.
donnah -- The strong majority of us feel as you do. He thinks he can force people to forget the virus, and get the economy restarted. It's always about him and his political fortunes.