Tuesday, April 28, 2020

QOTD -- Played

"Someday, we’ll get some perspective on how the press has contributed to this mess -- just as we can now look back on the news coverage of the run-up to the Iraq War and clearly see the sins committed then by most of Big Journalism: the shameful lack of skepticism, the foolish granting of anonymity to deceptive and self-interested sources.

"When we have that distance, what I suspect we’ll see is a candidate and a president who played the media like a puppet while deeply damaging the public’s trust in the press as a democratic institution. Someone who dazzled us with his show, while acting constantly in his own self-interest while we willingly — almost helplessly — magnified his message
." --  Margaret Sullivan, observing that history won't judge the media's coverage of nitwit incompetent Donald "Moron Vector" Trump kindly.

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