Moron vector Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump continues to lie about the status of testing for coronavirus while shirking Federal responsibility for it. The farcical "blueprint" rolled out at yesterday's misinformation event continues to put the onus on states to conduct massive testing, while not providing the resources and capacity to do so. That's been the regime's strategy now for months -- to try to shift blame for their on- going incompetence in ramping up testing. (A cynic would say their aversion to mass testing was based on not wanting to have the growing levels of infection "spook" the stock market, lest it damage COVID Donnie's re- election bid.) The Trump regime, through invocation of the Defense Production Act, had a unique capability to respond forcefully when it mattered, but it didn't. Time has been and continues to be squandered, and lives lost, for the sole purpose of shielding COVID Donnie from the consequences of his ignorance and criminal incompetence.
Lickspittle and human termite Mike "Dense" Pence was asked about the lack of testing yesterday, and this was his "explanation":
Reporter @jonkarl reiterates promises made by Pence and the Trump administration for testing and Pence says "it represents a misunderstanding" by the public regarding a test and the ability to test.— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) April 27, 2020
Not sure why Pence thinks this answer exonerates him.
KARL: So when you promised 4 million tests 7 weeks ago, you were just talking about tests being sent out, not completed?— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 27, 2020
PENCE: "Precisely correct"
OMG - Pence is saying we promised 4M tests but it is not our fault we didn't have the ability to "actually process" the tests. Was a "misunderstanding" on the public's part to think promising 4M tests would mean they could be used.— Nathan Salwen (@NSalwen) April 27, 2020
Once again, testing -- and re- testing -- is the path to restoring public health and confidence and must precede "re-opening" the economy. We're nowhere near the number of tests that need to be administered to assure we can move forward. As Dr. Ashish Jha, Director of Harvard's Global Health Institute points out, it's all connected to a basic and continuing shirking of responsibility on the part of COVID Donnie and his enablers:
Director of Harvard Global Health Institute: "I think most Americans need to know the reason we are shutdown, our economy is shutdown is because we've had inadequate testing."— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 27, 2020
Truth: Trump inherited a growing economy that continued to grow, until he refused to prepare for a virus that was spreading around the world, because he thought mobilizing to fight it might hurt the stock market. Now we're facing a depression.— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) April 28, 2020
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