Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Damn Narcissistic Sociopath, Cont.

It's just what a narcissistic sociopath does -- deflect, shift blame, shirk responsibility, cause unnecessary misery and death without a second thought:
President Trump announced Tuesday that he will suspend payments to the World Health Organization in response to the United Nations agency’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, as the organization is in the midst of combating a global outbreak that has killed thousands and crippled world economies.

Trump’s announcement was expected, as he seeks to deflect blame for his early dismissal of the virus as a threat to Americans and the U.S. economy. It is not yet clear how the United States will cut off money to the main international organization focused on fighting the pandemic, or whether Trump is setting conditions for a resumption of U.S. payments.
“We have not been treated properly,” Trump said, as he announced a suspension period of 60 to 90 days for U.S. funding.  (our emphasis)
Of course, the narcissistic sociopath is being aided and abetted by the usual, rotted out accomplices:
Conservative allies of the president have begun focusing on the WHO as complicit in a Chinese coverup of the outbreak in late 2019 and early 2020, before Trump moved to respond. The finger-pointing allows Trump to deflect blame from his own initial reaction to the outbreak as of no consequence to the United States. Trump also resents the WHO for opposing his decision, in late January, to block most air travel from China. [snip]
Republicans in Congress are seeking documents from the WHO and calling for investigations of contacts between WHO officials and Chinese government officials. The White House backs those efforts but could hold up funding before results are in.  (our emphasis)
Health experts and a philanthropist you may have heard of weigh in:

The best Speaker of the House in modern times gets to the point:

(Be sure to check out her full thread on the topic, and her letter to colleagues on the subject.)

He's going to make matters worse, and he doesn't give a damn because he thinks this helps him in the moment.  But there's blood on his hands, and it will never wash off.


  1. “We have not been treated properly”, his classic refrain. And by that, he means someone has not sufficiently kissed his ample ass, given him enough money, or praised him effusively enough in public.

    His narcissism has created rifts around the world and damaged our standing as a world leader. Those will be difficult to regain, thanks to this moral degenerate.

  2. donnah -- yes, that stuck out, didn't it! Having Trump represent the U.S. is the equivalent of our country getting pantsed on the world stage every day.
