Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Trump Failed" Ad Uses His Own Words

In our first post today, we showed the stinging "Are You Better Off" ad, which echoes the words of St. Ronnie of Hollywood during the 1980 Presidential debates, applied to the current situation. Another new ad has appeared, this one by the Democratic Coalition, and it's brutally effective about Dear Leader's utter failure to cope with the coronavirus. It's been released on social media -- please do what you can on your social media to see it reach the widest audience.

1 comment:

  1. Gee whiz, everything coming out of Trump's anus-shaped mouth can be used against him, because everything he says is self-incriminating. Biden's team can use raw footage from his daily shitshow because they all tell the story about his huge and constant failings. No need for jazzing it up.
