Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Trump's "Advice" Causing Poison Cases To Spike

After sociopath and con man Donald "Disinfectant Don" Trump mused last Thursday about injecting cleaning fluid into the human body to kill the coronavirus, there were fears that the members of his gullible cult would poison themselves as a result. Reports from Kansas indicate that happened there this weekend:
"After President Donald Trump floated ingesting highly toxic disinfectant as a treatment for the coronavirus, Kansas health authorities say a man drank cleaning product over the weekend.

Lee Norman, the state health officer, said the head of the Kansas Poison Control Center reported a more than 40 percent increase in cleaning chemical cases.

'Including a fellow over the weekend who drank a product because of the advice he’d received,' Norman said during a news conference Monday." (our emphasis)
Poison control centers are reporting spikes in calls after Trump's ignorant statement, something he refused to take responsibility for yesterday. Reminiscent of the case of the Arizona couple that ingested fish tank cleaner containing a derivative of chloroquine resulting in one death, we're going to continue to be seeing his low information followers, who believe his every word, taking lethal doses of dangerous chemicals. Then again, they may have heard the modest proposal of radio jock Howard Stern, who suggested that Trump and his followers inject Clorox:
“I would love it if Donald would get on TV and take an injection of Clorox and let’s see if his theory works,” Stern said. “Hold a big rally, say f—k this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them hug each other and kiss each other and have a big rally.”
In this era of Disinfectant Don, absurdity is reality and can lead to death.

(image: Setting an example for a change.)

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