Monday, April 27, 2020

Where's Master Jared? Solving The COVID Crisis!

The Daily Beast is inquiring as to the whereabouts of jackass-of-all-trades and consort of Princess Ivanka, Master Jared Kushner these days:
"Over the past two weeks, Kushner has been notably removed from coronavirus-related operations, according to four officials working in coordination with his team. One official working in the White House said it was 'unclear' exactly what he and his team had actually done over the last two weeks. Another individual familiar with Kushner’s work said they hadn’t received updates from his team in 'about a week.'  [snip] 
'He muddied up a process that was really not needing a fix,' said Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. 'What that does is disempower FEMA because if at any moment Jared or one of his henchmen demand assets to be redistributed at their discretion, FEMA’s planning gets disrupted. I’ve never seen operations on something this scale being run out of the White House...'  [snip] 
'[Jared] could be in his office just googling ‘coronavirus,’ show the results to the president, and still get a gold sticker from his dad-in-law,' said a senior Trump administration official who works with the coronavirus task force. 'He is solving the coronavirus like he’s bringing peace to the [Middle East].'”  (our emphasis)
Aside from demonstrating how much the nepotistic Master Jared (and Princess Ivanka) are deeply despised and resented by Trump's own staff in the White (Supremacist) House, these sentiments are a reflection on the incompetent and flailing Dear Leader, who has assigned his inexperienced, but cocky, son-in-law to meddle in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Master Jared is a classic trust fund dilettante who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. He should go back to bringing peace to the Middle East, or reorganizing Government, or supervising construction of Trump's vanity wall. Anything but this life-or-death issue.


(photo: Undisclosed location? Kevin Dietsch/CNP)

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