Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wisconsin Tracking Post-Election COVID-19 Cases

The Wisconsin State Department of Health Services is tracking new COVID-19 cases that may have resulted from in-person voting last Tuesday, demanded by Rethuglican politicians and backed up by their Rethug-dominated Supreme Court (and the Rethug-dominated U.S. Supreme Court). Despite legal challenges by Dem Gov. Tony Evers to postpone the elections and to allow more time for absentee voting, the Rethuglican-controlled state legislature refused to alter the election despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Only five polling stations were open in the heavily Democratic city of Milwaukee, where there were lines to vote up to 4 hours long.

Wisconsin's reckless and power drunk Rethug politicians gave their constituents a choice: whether to maintain their health and stay home or line up and vote amid a pandemic. They made sure that the absentee ballot process was sufficiently hobbled and time-limited to suppress votes from people in urban, Dem-leaning areas. Their callous actions likely have caused new cases of coronavirus among the voters, and they have to be held accountable for that, either in a court of law or in November.

(photo: An elderly couple waits in a long line to vote in Milwaukee)


  1. There is one key thing that we Democrats must learn and never forget: Republicans do not care about anyone but themselves.

    They have embraced Trump because he represents them and their lack of empathy for those less fortunate, their greed, and their desire to win at any and all costs.

    We cannot shame them, for they have no shame. We cannot appeal to their sense of goodness, because they are not good. We cannot beg them for help because they only help themselves.

    We have to stop believing that Trump and his followers will ever act in the interest of anyone else.

  2. donnah -- So true and so well said. We have to keep on and keep on until their grip on power is broken, at the local, State and national levels.

  3. Talk radio in Milwaukee thanked the legislature for standing up to the governor. I can't speak for other states,but as soon as you figure out how to do it in Wisconsin let me know.
